


カトリック関口教会 助任司祭:ラニエル・バディラ・ベルドス

「すべてのいのちを守るため」(Proteger toda la vida)或いは「すべてのいのちを守りましょう」(Protejamos toda la vida)。この言葉は、今、とりわけ日本のカトリック教会においてよく語られている言葉です。この言葉は教皇フランシスコが2015年の回勅ラウダート・シ(Encyclical Laudatus Si)の中で使われています。教皇の今月23日から26日までの日本訪問ではこの言葉が来日テーマであり公式テーマソングのタイトルになっています。











助任司祭 ラニエル・ベルドス(パル)


Protect all Life: Our Care from Common Home towards the Everlasting Home 

‘Protect all life’, ‘Proteger toda la vida,’, or ‘Let us protect all life,’ ‘Protejamos toda la vida’– this phrase has become the talk of the town these days especially among the Catholic communities here in Japan. Pope Francis has coined this term from his 2015 Encyclical Laudatus Si.  In relation to his upcoming Papal visit to Japan this November 23-28, 2019, ‘Protect all life’ serves as the theme and title of the official theme song of his visit.

Espoused from the first line of the canticle of St. Francis “Praising God with all his creation,” the Pope’s Encyclical Laudatus Si has echoed more than a beautiful slogan into an influential message for everyone to commit to ‘a co-existent responsibility’ towards the other, the environs, and the world.

Succeeding the first ever visit to Japan of his forerunner Pontiff Saint John Paul II in 1981, Pope Francis has deliberately chose ‘Protect all Life’ as the core message that embodies the cry of the many affected individuals in Japan across ages, may it be in economy and human labor force, natural and environmental disasters, bilateral relations among neighboring countries, and nuclear armaments.

Dissecting this slogan, I would like to state three points.

One is the crisis. ‘Protect all life’ is a wake-up call of oneself from slumber amidst the crisis that has already surfaced. Many people of our generations today, not only in Japan but across the globe chose to rest in the abode of their slumber amidst the great crisis which has started to unfold. The havoc is gradually felt as it seems crawling towards the heart of every society and social institution. This crisis is not the crisis of ‘cure’ but ‘of reflection of the existing crisis. Many tend to think that such crisis does not exist and opted not to see though in front of their eyes the problem really exists. Around the world, there is this great havoc that genocide brings on one end, and the misuse and overuse of genetic engineering among humans on the other, have prompted us to wake-up from this moral lousiness and ethical slumber.

Second is the effect. So vast is the effect of such destruction that it has become unknowingly part of daily lifestyle creeping into human consciousness. Aside from the detrimental effect towards physical health, the concern should be raised on the mental awareness that such problem really exists. What is scary is when we loss the remorse of such wrongdoing.

However, on the issue of genetic engineering, Saint John Paul II once reiterated, “Any therapeutic intervention whose explicit objective is the healing of various maladies such as those stemming from chromosomal defect, will, in principle be considered desirable, provided it is directed to the true promotion of the personal well-being of the individual without doing harm to his integrity or worsening his conditions in life.”

Third is the call- Protect all life. It is clear for Pope Francis that “If we are true Christians, the effect of our encounter with Jesus Christ should become evident in our relationship with the world around us. Our vocation is protector of God’s handiwork.” We are God’s fellow workers. He continues, “The ecological crisis (today) is also a summon to promote interior conversion (#217, Laudatus Si).” According to the Pope, there are crucial steps to take. An ecological education and spirituality towards ecological conversion of all is vital. This ecological crisis needs an ecological conversion. This conversion will only take place if we understand that the human body is part of the ecology of God and the environment as well comes from God.

I am now because we are. We are now because I am.

 We can only arrive to our everlasting home if have started right our journey in this common home, the here-and-now home. Our Scalabrinian Founder, Blessed Scalabrini once said, “our true home is in heaven. We are all migrants here on earth.” Indeed, as migrants here on earth our call is to protect all life of our common home so that we can proceed to journey towards our everlasting home.


 Father Pal, Raniel Berdos, Scalabrinian