


カトリック関口教会 助任司祭:ラニエル・バディラ・ベルドス















I heard a story about a man who loved so much his treasure. He worked all his life and had saved all his money. No one can trick him about money matters. His love for money is insurmountable that just before his death, he instructed his wife, “When I die, be sure to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. For sure, this money will also resurrect after life.” He believes more than his life, his money is eternal.  He made his wife swore to do as he requested.

At the young age of 51, something unimaginable happened. His car crushed to a wall and he immediately died. He died right there and then.

At his wake, he was laid in a casket that he previously wished for- to surround his dead body with his money earned during his lifetime. Among the people who wore black dress surrounding his casket was his teary-eyed wife. When the funeral ceremony is done, just rightly before in-charge got ready to close the casket, the wife interrupted and said, “Wait!” She then placed inside the casket a shoe box.

The people in-charge locked the casket down and rolled it into the ground.

Her friend standing beside her trying to console and whispered,  “ I hope you did not make a mistake by putting all money in the casket through the shoe box, did you?

“I sure did,” said the bereaved wife. “I got the money of my husbands all together and put it into my own account and what I placed in the shoe box was a cash check.”

The story reminds us where our treasure is, there our hearts will be. Treasures that are fruits of our labor and sweat are worth-celebrating since we worked hard in obtaining it. However, the treasure that Jesus teaches is sometimes contrary to the treasure that the society dictates. Some people think we live in a world where money seems to be sacred. I disagree. We rather live in a world where people try to make money sacred. The world is not about money. It is rather about grace.

The world’s movement is propelled by money. But we should never become its servants. What money can only give is earthly happiness, but it can never buy eternal bliss. 

Our treasure like money and possessions reside where our heart is. Our treasure oftentimes define who we are and who we can become. Who do you want to be and like to become?

Do not go far to find your treasure, perhaps your treasure is just nearby waiting!


 Father Pal