


カトリック関口教会 助任司祭:ラニエル・バディラ・ベルドス









Our body retells our own history. 

I am reminded whenever we celebrate the feast of the “Body of Christ” about the significance of our own bodies. A great Renaissance Philosopher once said, “we do not only have our bodies,” in fact, “we are our own bodies.” Our body tells us who we are. It defines us who we can become.

In every stage of our life, we underwent change as well as in our bodies. When we were conceived in our mother’s womb, our bodies seemed like a tiny creature floating in a space bounty of fluid inside the uterus. When we were born, our bodies had to exert a great effort to adapt to a new environment-the fast, rush, outside world. The more it adapts, the more our body grows and become mature. Then we started roll, crawl, climb then walk and run. Along the way, we met accidents like hitting some parts of our bodies to doors, edges of windows, furniture, barriers and many more.  Such incidents create scars in our bodies, which tell our childhood fun and history. Childhood memories are always worth to remember.

However, there are also sad stories that narrate how our bodies were devastated by catastrophe, disasters, and war. Particularly, when I went to Nagasaki bomb museum, I was caught shocked of what just appeared in front of my eyes. I saw many photos depicting how many bodies were burnt, young and old, bodies turned to ash of children who lost as early as that moment their bright future.

One that almost left me speechless was a photo of a mother and her less than a year-old son. After the nuclear bomb hit Nagasaki with its deadly and extremely harmful chemicals, the mother and son, having burnt parts of their bodies, were still able to do breast-feeding. The mother breastfed her son. That was her last. That was the son’s last.  After a few minutes, both are said to have died. It was the last breastfed she could give to her son; as well as the son’s last milk he received from his mother. Yet, amidst what just happened they taught us how strong mother and son tie was.

Jesus too in his form at the cross, suffered under the hands of those who crucified him. His body clothed with blood and bruise recalls how he offered his body a symbol of self-emptying. He emptied or humbled himself as a God and become like us in order to save us from the power of sin. He became like us so that we become his own.

Today that crucified body has been offered at the altar in a form of bread and wine, the Holy Eucharist. In this feast, we are reminded that our body and we are one and whole. It is not our possession like the car we perhaps own; it is rather our self. It is not “having a body; it is rather BEING a body.” Being our own bodies, we are held to remember what our history in the past embedded and engrave in our bodies in a form of scars. Whatever mark or scar you have, it tells a history of your life. In this feast of the Holy Body of Christ, may we love our body and treat it as our person. But we must also be ready to surrender our body like Jesus in the cross, when the time came we have to sacrifice it so that another one’s life be saved.


 Father Pal